Loczy pedagogy: method, activities

Based on Emmi Pikler's observations, Loczy’s pedagogy focuses on respect for children, confidence in their innate skills, and support towards their autonomy. It is named after the Loczy Institute in Budapest, of which Pikler was then director. The work of the Hungarian pediatrician has changed the way professionals look at early childhood and has inspired many structures that have integrated the Loczy method into their educational projects.

What is the Loczy pedagogy? How to set up a crèche based on Emmi Pikler's approach? What activities should be planned, and what professional attitudes should be adopted? Through this guide, discover the main principles of the Loczy method and how to arrange a space in line with its educational values.

A stimulating activity adapted to the Loczy pedagogy

The Loczy Institute: the origins of the method

Already renowned for her writings, the pediatrician and educational psychologist Emmi Pikler created in 1946, at the government’s request, a nursery to accommodate abandoned and orphaned children. Within this establishment, the Loczy Institute will set up innovative special reception conditions for the time.

This approach is based on solid values such as respect for the child, his desires and rhythm, and Emmi Pikler's experience with families. The observations of the Hungarian pedagogue led her to the observation that toddlers can develop innate skills without external teaching. The role of the adults who accompany them is not to intervene in their learning but to observe, support, and ensure a safe and stimulating environment, creating conditions for the child to develop by himself.

A project to support the child

Some French people only remember reports on the Loczy Institute, the naps in the open air in any season, or the meals taken on the knees of the nurses. Well beyond these clichés, Emmi Pikler's method is a project to accompany the child, which takes into account his history and ensures the continuity of care and attention he receives.

This approach is based on fundamental guiding principles to ensure the harmonious development of children:

  • Welcome the child considering from the outset that he is naturally competent.
  • Allow him to build at his own pace thanks to free motor skills and autonomous activity.
  • Offer him the ongoing support of a referent.
  • Nourish him in every moment of care through the quality of the relationship.

What is the difference between Pikler and Montessori? If the two pedagogues are contemporary, Maria Montessori has focused on observing children over two years old, while Emmi Pikler is one of the few interested in infants.

The main principles of the Loczy method

Independent activity and free motor skills

Apart from moments of rest, the child is placed in a context that promotes his spontaneous activity. He is free to move, and the supervisors let him move as he wants to allow him to acquire control of his body. If the child is in difficulty, it is essential not to intervene immediately and let him experiment alone. The role of the adult is to accompany, interfering to the minimum so that the child regains control of the situation.

The supervisor's mission is also to observe in detail the behavior of the child and its evolution in order to change his environment and provide him with what he needs. This environment is ordered without being scripted so as not to influence the child: the game he leads is thus his own.

A philosophy of "taking care."

The moments of care that are the toilet, the change, or the meal may seem at first glance material and insignificant. However, in these moments, the child draws his emotional security and awareness of himself. The adult must offer him quality care time, always respecting and preserving his pleasure and promoting his autonomy.

If care times are poorly considered, the Loczy approach reflects on the child’s physical well-being and the continuity of the care he receives. This involves respectful and reassuring attitudes such as how to take and rest a toddler or consideration for him in each interaction (looking at the child, naming him by his first name ...)

It is also an attitude that combines gentleness and the desire to involve the child: for example, by explaining his gestures, presenting the objects used, and using his active cooperation in the necessary motions. As the child grows up, he becomes more and more aware of his collaboration with the adult and willing in this process.

Reference persons and emotional security

A relationship of trust must be nurtured at all times between the child and the adult accompanying him. It is mainly during the care times that the child will be able to identify and build an emotional relationship with the reference people who give him his meal daily, change him, and put him to bed ...

Attachment is essential for the child to develop emotional security and evolve toward absolute autonomy. Regularity contributes to this security by giving him points of reference that allow him to anticipate, prepare and postpone his need because he understands that it would be satisfied. If several referees accompany a child, they must harmonize their practices to offer these benchmarks to the child.

Example of the development of a Loczy nursery

Setting up a Loczy nursery

A space that promotes motor skills and autonomy

Creating a nursery based on the Loczy approach means giving total value to developing a space adapted to the child’s needs, abilities, and interests throughout his evolution.

Safe and stimulating, this space must be ordered to reference toddlers and be arranged and equipped so that the child can move freely. For example, it will be fitted with firm and comfortable mats to allow free motor skills for infants, who can move their bodies without hindrance or tension.

If it offers reference points to children, the space is not scripted and does not guide their activities. These are made available to him, with the objective that he appropriates them and leads the game as he sees fit.

The layout of the nursery must imperatively provide adequate space and equipment for each activity: meals, sleep, games, and change ... Particular attention is paid to the layout of spaces dedicated to caring, which must allow a privileged moment between the adult and the child.

What activities for a Loczy nursery?

The toys, games, and objects made available in a Loczy nursery are carefully selected by professionals for the stimulation they offer and the way they indirectly stimulate the child's motor activity. Through careful observation of the child, the professional will provide him with exercises specific to the pursuit of his development.

The Pikler triangle is a must among the equipment to remember. It is a modular object that unleashes the child's creativity through various possible uses. It allows toddlers to improve their coordination, strengthen their muscles, develop their concentration, become aware of their bodies, and build self-esteem.

HABA Pro accompanies Loczy nurseries

Ranges developed in support of the Loczy approach

In line with current educational trends, HABA Pro develops product ranges in support of the greatest pedagogies, which have crossed borders and inspired many childcare facilities. Among them are the Montessori, Reggio Emilia, or Fröbel methods.

If you are interested in the Loczy pedagogy, you will find among our products equipment, games and toys adapted to the implementation of this approach. Designed with experts in this pedagogy, our products respect its educational values.