A good & healthy interior design in the daycare centre

The Holistic Approach and Design of a Daycare Center 

Daycare centres’ design must consider pedagogical, psychological, social, economic, ecological, and aesthetic aspects; significant interactions exist between spaces and people's experiences and behaviour. Children experience this interaction very intensively. A modern daycare centre must therefore be a living place, experiencing and learning all day long, designed to be inspiring and health-promoting for the children and the pedagogical staff. 

Importance of the room design and its benefits on the development of children 

Children don't just move around in the daycare rooms; they consciously perceive and experience them. A good room design stimulates the children's perceptual and learning potential. In addition to the play activity itself, the environmental conditions significantly influence the emotions, mood and well-being of the children. Overall, they have a stimulating effect on the children's learning processes and their personality development. 

The well-being of educators should be considered

A "good healthy daycare centre" is a facility where children can play and learn and educational staff can work well. That's why we should pay more attention to how design promotes health and well-being. As numerous scientific studies have shown, educational staff in daycare centres are under high stress. This is reflected in physical and psychological reactions, which have a significant influence on their performance, their well-being, and their health. Feeling burnt out can be a long-term consequence, which affects about ten per cent of educational professionals. That's why reducing stress in daycare centres based on occupational science is important, e.g., through soundproofing solutions or an appealing lighting design. 

A room design that supports educators in their daily work

Daycare centre rooms are, first and foremost, working spaces for pedagogical staffSeveral scientific studies have shown that the main problems that lead to corresponding impairments in the well-being of teaching staff are found in work organisations. An ergonomic room concept can contribute to the prevention of health disorders and illnesses. The rooms should be designed and used so pedagogical professionals can work creatively in peace.  

Creating a retreat for children and teaching staff

Children and teaching staff need “places of silence” to temporarily find peace. For children, for example, there are caves, alcoves, or tents where they can temporarily stay and find peace. This also applies to the pedagogical staff, an opportunity to take a break. The staff room is particularly suitable for this. In addition to a work area, there is also a rest area. Such an area can positively impact well-being and health because a pleasant, soothing atmosphere prevails. It can be equipped with sofas, stools or similar. The main thing is that the pedagogical staff can "switch off" here for a short time and "recharge their batteries".